Every child deserves a better chance at life
Every child deserves to be accepted, appreciated, and loved; receive proper nutrition, adequate health care, education, and all the things that will give him or her a chance for a healthy life.
Any Baby Can achieve maximum potential
Children born with chronic illness, complex medical needs, or other special needs are entitled to a happy, full life and, given the needed resources, will reach maximum potential.
The child can be saved without losing the family
We view the family and child as part of 'a dynamic system. Our focus is on the needs of the family, all of which either directly or indirectly affect the child. In serving the family, we serve the child.
In a world of high tech medicine, families of chronically and critically ill children need high touch
Our complex system of health care and human services offers a wealth of assistance and technology. Unfortunately, navigating this service system can be an overwhelming task for many families. We believe that with support, encouragement, and assistance, these families can overcome the obstacles they face.
217 Howard Street San Antonio, TX 78212 (210) 227-0170 FAX (210) 227-0812
Please send website concerns and suggestions to webmaster@anybabycansa.org.
Branches and additional offices:
(210) 704-2222519 W Houston St San Antonio, TX 78207-3106
(830) 606-40401619 Common St Ste 303 New Braunfels, TX 78130-3455
(830) 606-4040New Braunfels, TX 78130
(210) 227-0170217 Howard St San Antonio, TX 78212-5524
Longhorn Village is a first class assisted living center located on Steiner Ranch in Austin, TX, where residents can take charge and live the life they want. Boasting a five-star rating.
Our trained Caregivers provide in home care, focusing on companionship, homemaker and transportation services as well as memory and dementia care and personal care services.