Help: for yourself, your family and your addicted loved one.
Hope: for the future with education and inspiration from our staff,over comersand their families.
Healing: through understanding, unconditional love and the grace of God.
Our meetings provide a safe and loving enviroment for sharing personal stories and experiences with others who understand.
To significantly reduce methampetamine and all drug use in the Panhandle.
A community where the overall effects of drug use are understood and comprehensive treatment facilitiesexist for those who need them.
Panhandle MAMas is a chapter of Mothers Against Methamphetamine [MAMa], the national organization founded by Dr. M. Holley in 2002. Establishment of this chapter began in September of 2006. MAMas was incorporated as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation in January of 2007, with a formal chapter established in March of 2007. There are now five chapters or branches of MAMa in the Texas Panhandle, with three more currently being established in the upper 26 counties of the Texas Panhandle.
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