We at DFW Waste Oil Service, Inc. know that in todays environmental market choosing a waste handler can be somewhat confusing, as well as very costly. Frankly, there are a lot of companies out there making a lot of questionable claims. What you need to know is, as the Generator of waste you are legally responsible for your waste from its Cradle to Grave. Choosing the wrong company, based on those claims, could lead to long term environmental liabilities, not to mention serious cost and financial liabilities.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself when choosing a waste handler.
Do they have the permits required to legally transport, store and process my waste?
Do they have the proper amount of insurance to protect me from an environmental mishap resulting in financial liability?
How long have they been in business, have they invested in their facilities, equipment and personnel to ensure my service requirements will always be met?
The answer to all of these questions is "YES" for DFW Waste Oil Service.
1. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)
For questions or comments please email: info@dfwwasteoil.com