At Highland Chiropractic, our mission is to offer every individual and patient the opportunity to achieve their maximum health potential through the art and science of chiropractic and clinical nutrition.
Thomas Edison so eloquently stated that “The Doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Hippocrates (the father of medicine) 460 BC – 370 BC “In all disease, look first to the spine.”
It is not a sin to take medication. In a crisis, medication can offer symptomatic support and help to stabilize the body. However, at some point beyond medication, the body will require treatment.
I believe that God designed our bodies with incredible recuperative powers especially when we give it the right structural and nutritional input. Over 2000 years ago, the Bible teaches the importance of maintaining the body’s structural integrity which is tantamount to chiropractic philosophy today. In Hebrews 12: 12,13 the author instructs his listeners; “Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet that what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed.” Although this verse has profound spiritual implications, the effects of altered gait and body mechanics can have devastating consequences to an individual’s health.
One of the many notable studies on Gravitational Physiology: “To introduce the therapeutic significance of gravity, we summarize the work of Joel E. Goldthwait and his colleagues at Harvard Medical School..” A surgeon in Boston and founder of the orthopedic clinic at the General Hospital, Goldthwait developed a successful therapeutic approach to chronic disorders. The aim of his therapies was to get his patients to sit, stand, and move with their bodies in a more appropriate relationship with the vertical. After years of treating patients with chronic problems, he concluded that many of these problems arise because parts of the body become misaligned with respect to the vertical, and organ functions therefore become compromised.” (147) Goldthwait’s therapeutic approach was based in part on observations made while performing surgery on such patients. He noticed that abdominal nerves and blood vessels are under tension in individuals whose bodies are out of alignment. He also reported that ‘stretching and kinking’ of the cerebral arteries and veins in those whose necks were bent. Various cardiac problems were correlated with ‘faulty body mechanics’ that distorted the chest cavity in a way that impaired circulatory efficiency. (148)
If you are concerned that your spine and body are out of alignment, give us a call at 972-539-5050 for a free chiropractic alignment check up.
To Your Health,
Since 2003, we have helped individuals like you achieve various health and fitness goals by offering top-quality dietary and nutritional supplements and services coupled with unparalleled personalized