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Debt Relief Hotline
you can have your creditors call the law firm instead of you!!
*Foreclosures *Credit Card Debt *Car Repossession *Medical bills
youll pay just $20 per month**
for an experienced bankruptcy attorney to handle every aspect of your filing.
Americas US Bankruptcy Code provides protection for people suffering under mountains of debt. The law provides protection for your HOME, CAR, and for getting Credit Card companies off your back. Bankruptcy is your legal right.
If you have been a victim of divorce, staggering medical bills, disability, job loss, or identity theft, then bankruptcy may be right for you.
**Not all member law firms provide this fee structure
You are not alone Over 1.5 million Americans exercise their legal rights every year due to divorce, staggering medical bills, disability, job loss, or identity theft and more.
Since over 90% of all bankruptcy cases are the result of job loss, uninsured medical bills or divorce, many Americans end up with crippling debt due to no fault of their own. Congress understands this and that is why the Bankruptcy Code provides people with a fresh start.
There is no need to beat yourself up. Instead, let a licensed attorney defend your rights and stop the creditor harassment now.
SAME DAY - Immediate Relief from creditor calls!
Over 1.5 million people seek bankruptcy protection when they no longer can take the pressure of creditor harassment. With the FREE Creditor Hotline you can have your creditors call the law firm, instead of calling you providing immediate relief for you and your family.
What can you expect from your attorney?
Our member law firms will provide you an honest assessment of your debt situation and give you options that are right for you (which may not include bankruptcy). And, they will look after your best interests.
You will speak with a licensed attorney bound by state laws (not some unregulated debt counselor).
Within minutes you will have a clear picture of the right choice for you and your family and hopefully be able to avoid bankruptcy altogether.
In addition, you will learn (if you need a bankruptcy) how you can get started on a payment plan for only $20 down and $20 per month. We understand that if you had money, you wouldnt need a bankruptcy.
Simply fill out this brief form with some basic information about your financial situation. All information is kept strictly confidential. One of our licensed member bankruptcy attorneys will contact you at the convenient time you request to provide your FREE , no-obligation consultation.
Should I file for Bankruptcy?
We cant answer that without knowing more about your situation. But, we can promise that our member attorneys will provide an honest assessment of your financial situation and provide the best options for you and your family to consider.
Thousands of Americans have trusted our member attorneys to help guide them to a FRESH START.
Personal and local service. Our member attorneys are part of your community.
Our member attorneys work and live in your community and are not some outside law firm that doesnt know your local court and judges. Their offices are conveniently located with easy highway access and plenty of parking.
Fees as low as $20 down and $20 per month to get a FRESH START!
Get the creditor relief you need today and stop paying your unsecured creditors so that you can have more money and begin breathing easier. We understand that if you had money, you wouldnt be considering bankruptcy. That is why payment plans are available that you can afford.
Simply fill out this brief form with some basic information about your financial situation. All information is kept strictly confidential. One of our licensed member bankruptcy attorneys will contact you at the convenient time you request to provide your FREE, no-obligation consultation.
*American Bankruptcy Center & Bankruptcy Practice Builders own and operate this website for our affiliated law firms to advertise their services. Clients served is a total of all clients that have been helped by our affiliated attorneys over the last 13 years. We do not practice law and none of this information is intended as legal advice.
Our member attorney law firms are debt relief agencies. They help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.
Davis & Associates is the immigration law firm of choice in Houston and surrounding areas. Their attorneys provide expert legal counsel for all aspects of immigration law.