Streaming video about Alzheimer's disease & Caregiving:
Every day, thousands of families in Smith County struggle with the devastating impact of Alzheimer's disease. The Alzheimer's Alliance of Smith County exists to support families and individuals affected by Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. We are committed to carrying out our mission with unsurpassed caring and compassion so those affected by Alzheimer's are not alone on their journey. We offer caregiver support groups, an Alzheimer's Day Club, respite care assistance, Project Lifesaver (a tracking device & program for wanderers), a social worker on staff, resources, referrals and more.
Through our programs and services, we offer hope, help and a hand to hold. We welcome individuals, corporations and foundations who will partner with us to accomplish our mission. Your donations of time and financial resources enable us to ease the burdens of families and caregivers thereby improving quality of life.
Contact us today and "Catch the Hope!" (903) 509-8323
This web site is funded in part by the Area Agency on Aging of East Texas.
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