Quilt Odyssey 2010 July 22-25, 2010 at the Hershey Lodge & Convention Center - Hershey, PA
www.quiltodyssey.com or quiltodyssey@embarqmail.com
Darlene C. Christopherson is the author of "A Perfect Union of Patchwork & Applique" [C&T] and nationally known instructor in hand applique, hand piecing and hand quilting as well as fabric selection.
"A Perfect Reunion of Applique Patterns" are ready!
24 new 8" applique block patterns with a bird theme are now available. Visit my store.
Check out Darlene's workshops!
"Valiant!" made for the IQA 2006 raffle quilt by Darlene and Sue Nickels.
The DCC Dogtooth Tool
Quick & Easy appliqud dogtooth borders
Hand or Machine