There are so many stop snoring solutions on the market that it can become confusing as to which one will work for you. However, there are some basic snoring solutions that you can use on your own. For instance, if you are suffering from nasal congestion then using a saline solution or saline drops in your nose before going to bed may help clear it up. If you are suffering from allergies or a cold then putting a bit of hot ginger ale in your pillow may help to clear it up. The use of nasal strips is also a common solution for snorers and is recommended more for people who sleep on their back. The strips go under the bridge of your nose and block out any obstructions so that you can breathe without obstruction. The more you know about the different natural ways of how to stop snoring the better chance you have of finding a solution that works for you. It is advisable that you learn as much as you can before you start trying various methods to help prevent snoring. There are many sites online that will give you the latest information on stop snoring solutions, and they will also tell you what methods have been proven to work. It's important to be aware of natural cures and how they work because not all of them will work for you. One of the most popular natural methods of how to fix your snoring problem is changing your diet. This is because alcohol can induce certain vibrations in your nose that cause you to snore, and this means that drinking too much alcohol can be a major cause of snoring for a lot of people. Another solution is to simply stop drinking alcohol, or cut down to as low as one drink per day if you do drink alcohol.