Juda Myers, public speaker, singer/songwriter, artist & published author, conceived in rape, inspires great joy through forgiveness. A ministry of hope, life and forgiveness. Forgiveness in any case is attainable! Destiny, filled with purpose and potential waits for each of us through the one who created us. Knowing Jesus Christ personally will guarantee that life of purpose and joy indescribable. If you're miserable and life isn't worth living, there is a solution. Join Juda Myers in the experience of a lifetime through Jesus.
Living With Purpose
A story of forgiveness with practical applications for everyone!
Listen to Chapter 1
South Africa Trip
Angelina Jolie's adopted daughter was conceived in rape.
But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me when you see me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord.
This is one reason abortion should be made illegal for rape victims.
New Song and Video
written by Pastor Larry Kettle and Juda Myers Sung by Angela Kettle
The video below is an excellent documentary with an intro by Charlton Heston.
Pro lifers should see it to speak intelligently for the rights of the unborn and pro aborts should watch to see truth. An actual abortion is performed. You'll see both outside and inside the womb what happens to the life of a human in an abortion. Hear testimonies of former abortion doctors and staff.
Were you or someone you know targeted for death by abortion? Rape conceived, medically "advised", or socially unwanted?
We desperately need YOUR help.
H.R. 5939: “The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act”
Newly Identified Corporate Supporters of Planned Parenthood Named
Survival Before 24 Weeks Gestation/Twins Born 10 Days Apart
Murder #1 Cause For Death of Pregnant Women
Woman Has Recurring Dream of a Baby Struggling in the Womb Then Learns She Was Aborted!
Girl Conceived A Child in Rape at 12(now 33) says her baby gave life to her !
At the moment of conception DNA is complete. It identifies as a human with all attributes known, such as eye color, height, and sex of that person. The blueprint is immediately put into action and life begins at that moment. With a message of hope, Juda inspires people everywhere, in the grocery, in auditoriums, or street corners. "People need to know they are loved. And maybe that's the only time they'll ever hear that they are loved.
I don't want to miss any opportunity."
EMBRYO OR TODDLER . Frank is still Frank
Frank was adopted as a 4 cell frozen embryo.
Read the whole story written by StemCellResearchCures.com
Click to view movie Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart"
The Survivors of Abortion:
Brandi Lozier, Gianna Jessen, Laura Tedder, Melissa Ohden to name a few.
It's something that is rarely discussed, but sometimes children do survive abortion attempts. It's impossible to know exactly how many survive. However, here are a few stories of individuals we know have survived abortion attempts. Some of them escaped relatively unharmed. Others were profoundly injured by their abortions. Their stories deserved to be told, regardless. Where possible, a photo of the abortion survivor has been provided so that you can attach a real, human face to the victims of abortions, who are so often dehumanized by efforts to defend abortion.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Your donation helps to save precious lives.
Give us your comments & email, & you'll get the song
"A Plan For Me" FREE!
We'd love to hear your comments or victorious story below:
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We'd love to lift you up. Please send us your prayer requests.
www.heartbeatthemagazine.com (monthly article, Consider This)
Watch graphic video Silent Scream.
Unborn baby desperately moving away from the abortion instruments.
Warning NOT for Children!!
Concealed Weapons of Mass Destruction
at the U.N.
Dr. told Pam Tebow she had a tumor, mass of fetal tissue Video Testimonies: Former Abortion Doctor, Patti Giebink
Former Planned Planned Director Abby Johnson
Video:Professor you are wrong: Albert Einstein. This is brilliant.
Video/Beautiful Song: This is My Body
Virginia Mother Kills Newborn/ Umbilical Cord still attached
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