We are delighted that you have come to visit our web ministry. We hope that what you find here will help you to become a follower of Jesus Christ and member of his Church, or, if you are already a Christian, to deepen your faith and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior.
Redeemer Presbyterian is a church in the city for the city, a community of Christians of all ages and backgrounds called to Christ and to one another through the power of the Gospel. God gathers us for Worship, unites us in Community, instructs us in the Faith, equips us to Serve, transforms us through Word and Sacrament, and sends us in his power to bear Witness in word and deed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in Austin, at UT, and around the world. In seeking to be faithful to that part of God's plan which has been entrusted to us, words like Worship, Community, Faith, Service, Word, Sacrament, and Witness tell us how we carry out our calling to love God, one another, and our neighbors.
We are called to live and to serve in three dimensions. We are called upward to God through worship, inward to one another in fellowship, and outward to the world in mission. It is the Gospel of God that makes all three possible, bringing us to God through Jesus Christ, sustaining our community in grace, and launching us into the world God loves. Together we grow deeper in worship, stronger in fellowship, and broader in mission.
We invite you to join with us in obeying Jesus call to come and follow him. Whether single or married, young or old, student or professional, from here or abroad, Presbyterian or not, come and discover with us the incredible liberating power of the grace of God made known in Jesus Christ. We look forward to welcoming you personally, and may God bless you.