Accept credit card payments at your location with state-of-the-art equipment while taking advantage of big savings on processing fees! We provide a full range of payment processing solutions for retail stores, restaurants, supermarkets, mail & telephone order, e-Commerce, wireless and hotels and lodging.
United Bank Card is one of the largest, most reputable and fastest growing payment processors in the country.
UBC currently handles the merchant accounts for over 100,000 locations and processes in excess of 9 billion dollars annually, with those numbers consistently on the rise
Consistently recognized as a leader in innovation, UBC is a five-time consecutive Inc. 500/5000 honoree and is ranked by the Nilson Report as one of the largest payment processors in the United States. United Bank Card is also renowned for its award winning customer service and technical support.
Would you like to lower the rates and fees on your current account? UBC will perform a free cost comparison review with no obligation.
We will present you with a detailed proposal on your guaranteed locked-in rates and your annual savings when you switch to United Bank Card.