The American Environmental Health Foundation (AEHF) was founded in 1975 by William J. Rea, M.D. of the Environmental Health Center - Dallas.
The products available on the AEHF website were designed to meet the needs of the chemically sensitive and environmentally aware individual.
The Foundation, a nonprofit organization, was established to provide research into and education on Chemical Sensitivity. Funding for AEHF research and education comes from donations and the proceeds from sales.
You can help the Foundation, and save money on most of our products, by becoming a 'Friend of the Foundation' member. Your yearly renewable $100 donation, which may be tax deductable, contributes to the support of ongoing research and education programs in Chemical Sensitivity & Environmental Medicine. Members receive a 10% discount on all available products, with the exception of Air Filters, Water Filters, Saunas and Sauna parts.
To become a 'Member', click on the Friends of the Foundation link on the left side of this page, or call us on our toll-free number: 800-428-2343