Core Pilates Studio - Strength - Flexibility - Balance
Core Pilates Studiois located in historicMcKinney, Texasoffers a holistic concept of physical care.With afully equipped Pilates studio, GTS for personal training, Metaphysical work in Chakra Yoga classes and Reiki sessions.
Your body is the vehicle that takes you thru life. It was built for ease and is capable of efficient movement. Life style places demands onyour body which require attention. If you neglect your body,your a "nobody".Be a whole body!
"In 10 sessions,you will feel better, in 20 sessions you will look better, and in 30 sessions you will have a whole new body,"-- Joseph H. Pilates, founder of Pilates.
Joseph Pilates intended to call his method of exercise "contrology"."Contrology is complete coordination of body, mind and spirit. Through Contrology you first purposely acquire
complete control of your own body and then through proper repetition of its exercises you gradually and progressively acquire that natural rhythm and coordination associated with all your subconscious activities."
Revolutionary founder of the method Pilates
More Efficient Body Systems:Respiratory - fully expands thelungs Circulatory - oxygenates the blood
Lymphatic - helps drain toxins from the body
Skeletal - helps prevent osteoporosis
Athletes have talent,ability, drive, determination, and generally the innate ability to pursue their sport. But they dont possess core stability. Many times in athletics the focus is on explosive strength Coaches teach movement patterns with power, agility and coordination. The deeper muscles that stabilize the core are overlooked and the attachments are shortened leading to tightness and increased injury potential.
Top athletes that pursue Pilates for their sport:
ObstetricsPilates keeps the core strong to support the growning baby, and gives the mother an easier labor, delivery and recovery.
MenopausePilates has helped to sooth the mind and work the body. The toning & strengthening decrease the weight gain associated with hormone fluctuation.
OsteoporosisPilates focuses on length and strength which provided pull on the muscle attached to the tendon and the bone. Exercises are modified according the ACSM and the PMA guidelines.
Multiple Sclerosis and auto amune disordersThe Pilates method requires activation of the deeper muscles, it requires lengthening and stretching. The basics are very helpful to those who have such disorders it oxegenates the blood and helps drain toxins from the body. Reiki and Chakra meditation can be of tremendous help.
We use and recommend Pilates equipment by Balanced Body.