Powell Dental Aesthetics is aCrown and Bridge Laboratory serving the Dallas area. Connie Powell, Certified Dental Technician (CDT), creates beautiful LAVA, Empress,Porcelain, and Gold Restorations, as well as full mouth diagnostic waxups.
Connie, who has 35 years of experience and has ownedPDA for over 25 years, prefers working with General Dentist and Prosthodontists who use Cadent Iteroor 3M LAVA DigitalScanning Systemsrather than standard impression techniques when possible.
She enjoys working closely with doctors, especially those who like feedback when something is not exactly right, which of course works both ways. Every area of her work is under microscope from start to completion. This takes time that is not allowed spent in higher production labs, which is why she enjoys working for and by herself.
Connie completed a year-long intense study program working with the Graduate Prosthodontic students at Baylor College of Dentistry for expanded knowledge in full mouth restorations and implants as well as complex and unusual situations. She thoroughly enjoyed the experience andwas askedto extend her stay another year or more if possible.However, she declined sinceshe and her husband were in the process of adopting their daughter from China and it was time to return to her lab full time.