GENERAL, IMPLANT & COSMETIC DENTISTRY We will see you TODAY! New Patients are Always Welcome!
The Vela name has been synonomous with excellent dental care. The first Vela Dental Center (Crosstown) opened it's doors in 1984 and we now have three convenient locations to better service Corpus Christi and the Coastal Bend as well as Kingsville and the surrounding area to ensure that all your dental needs receive the proper attention.
Our experienced, bilingual, friendly dentists and staff take great pride in keeping your smile beautiful by providing you with the most comfortable environment available. Every dentist (Dr. Rene Vela, Dr. Ben Vela, Dr. Amy Vela, & Dr. Anthony Flores) promises you that the veneers, fillings, crowns, implants, and bridges we create will look as good if not better than the teeth you have naturally. And to make sure we keep that promise, the products we recommend and use are of the highest quality and incredibly durable. Each dentist is active within the Corpus Christi community. We have two dental offices located conveniently in Corpus Christi - Vela Dental Crosstown and Vela Dental Southside. Our newest office, Vela Dental Kingsville, is located in the heart of Kingsville near TAMUK. We are sure one of our offices is nearby!
These hours can accommodate almost any schedule. We know that your time is important, and we work to ensure that your visit happens as professionally and quickly as possible.
Emergencies can be seen same day, during business hours, if the patient calls before 11am.
We will almost always see you within 24 hours, if needed, no matter if you are a new patient to the practice or a long-time friend.
After Office Hours:
Dental emergencies are never convenient or timely. At the Vela Dental Centers, we are committed to our patients' dental health no matter what time of the day or night it is. If you have a dental emergency after regular office hours, please call us, as we have an answering service available, and we will return your call as soon as possible.
4822 Holly Rd. 2201 Cleo St. Corpus Christi, TX 78411 Corpus Christi, TX 78405
Branches and additional offices:
(361) 994-49004822 Holly Rd Corpus Christi, TX 78411-4734