Naworski Investments has a portfolio to meet almost all investors needs, whether they are capital appreciation, income or diversification among asset classes. Each new clients portfolio is built from the ground up. David has a common interest with all of his clients since the same stocks are purchased for his personal accounts. None of the results you see were obtained through the use of options or buying on margin to pump up returns. They were achieved simply through buying or selling securities.
Naworski Investments owes a fiduciary duty to their investment clients to do what is best for them. Many financial advisors do not. He is a fee based money manager that does not sell any financial products.
We have the lowest and most current mortgage rates available. Our home loan center offers various low-cost mortgage loans for purchase and refinancing.
My Account Consultant constitutes a team of Highly-qualified and experienced consultants to have a passion for what we do. The Accounting team is well versed with all the leading accounting.