That job applicant you're considering is a mix of many influences encountered along the paths he or she has taken. Our purpose is to assist you in shedding light on the confluence of those paths — your applicant.
If we do our job well, the accountability of your hiring program will be measurably strengthened, and cost effectiveness enhanced as new hires become better fits and turnover is reduced. When weighing the cost of pre-employment screening against the recruiting and training costs of your hiring program, it's not at all unreasonable to anticipate a return on your screening investment of 150% or more through reduced new-hire failures - for every $1.00 spent for pre-employment screening, savings from reduced new hiring requirements may exceed $1.50.
Our success in helping employers improve the returns on their recruiting investments may be measured by our steady growth, often more than 40% annually, since 1993 — much of it from client referrals.
We invite you to include us in your hiring program.